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Crowd Funding Campaign

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Dominyon Pryme Gallery 


All donation levels are eligible to enter the Dominyon Pryme and AxxemanneArt give-a-way for a 36 x 40 copy from Axxemanne's gallery. The winner will have their choice of two abstract painting and one photo print from W. Axxemanne  personal collection.




Campaign Project Goal

Hello Kickstarter community and Friends, 


I come to you with an idea. One that I believe has the potential to be not only artwork, but much more. Something that can allow people to express themselves is a creative way and bring color and creativity into ones everyday life. Hello, my name is Kenneth Fitzhugh (a.k.a. W. Axxemanne) owner of W. Axxemanne’s Dominyon Pryme gallery and AxxemanneArt. For several years I’ve had the idea and hope of opening my own art gallery. But not just any art gallery. One that sold more than art but other means of expression and creative enjoyment. As any artist knows, the art they make can be applied to several different mediums. But how often do you actually see it or are able to buy it on a large scale? The answer is, not often, or we would see more of this concept. The way I see it is that it’s great when hanging on a wall as part of the rooms decore. In fact, that’s where we see art, hanging on walls, of course. But what if we were to see that same art in other places. For example, on clothing and apparel. This is something that’s not new. The idea of putting beautiful artwork on clothing is almost a common thing. But when you find a piece of artwork, in this case abstract art. On more than just a T-shirt the possibilities can be as many items that can hold and display an image. At Dominoyn Pryme gallery, I take advantage of these possibilities. And print my abstracts painting on more than just canvas. In my stores you can find beautiful abstract artwork on shirts, leggings, socks, shoes, hats, iPad cases and covering, stickers, and much more. The idea is spread color and beauty everywhere. The same same piece of clothing that has a beautiful painting printed on it. Can also be on a sofa size painting you can hang on your wall. Or be on your child’s backpack for school. 


Part of the concept here is one of creativity in peoples lives. Not to say that a more conservative approach to fashion its unappealing. It’s not, the world is filled with plain black dresses or a nicely cut fine suit. And those wearing it, look great. But when it comes to individuality looking sharp doesn’t give a person that option. My line of art, clothing and apparel does. Asides from the reproduction process of each item. Every abstract painting is different from the next. Such is is the nature when dealing with abstract art. It is literally impossible to create a piece of abstract artwork. Then try to make another painting the same as before, it just can’t be done. Even if I pour the paint on the canvas exactly the same way as before and more the paint around exactly the same. The results will bee completely different. The colors might be the same but the painting will not. This is what I convey to each article of clothing I make. Each image comes directly from the canvas to each piece of clothing, different and unique. And the more paintings I am able to produce, the more options a person has to express their individuality an be different. 


The only problem is that I can only expand on this idea so far. The more supplies I have, the more paintings I can make. The more painting I make, the more opportunities I have to create something different. Each time I put the paint to canvas making a new and different abstract piece of artwork. For someone to wear and share their individuality. This is why I chose a crowdfunding platform. The necessary funding to take my ideas to the next level. One that will allow my product to reach a global audience. This can only be done with the proper campaign. The funds raise through this campaign will support advertisement, promotion and marketing, supplies, and website maintenance. Covering six current stores including Ebay and Esty, as well as my personal website


In researching ways to grow and expand. Several options come to mind. I could have taken out a loan from a bank or from friends. Maybe apply for grant for the government or even wait till I had the funds to do it myself. But, all of these option are missing one factor. One that is always a factor in anyones’ success……the people. None of these option include a sense of community. That are willing to support me either financial through crowdfunding. Or by a simple word of mouth to a family member or friends. I’m told that the best part of crowdfunding isn’t the money one can receive to fund their project or business. But the people involved in helping you reach your goal. I find this to be true. Because when you succeed, everyone succeeds. If I were to do this on my own, I would get all the credit, but that can be lonely and boring. But when in a community of people with the same interest. Those who support you and your talents, simply put …it’s more fun and rewarding. This is why I chose crowdfunding to reach my goal. The funds raise to advertise and mass produce my art is a great idea. In fact, it’s been goal for the last three decades. But when working with people who support my work it’s better. To completely honest I’d rather have both. Raising enough funding for my gallery would solve all my problems. But knowing that the people who support my gallery will actually buy my artwork. Either a painting or clothing with the artwork on it is more rewarding. And then, if I were to see someone walking by wearing some of my artwork. That would be pure joy. To see someone wearing my clothing line tells that my work is good enough, not only to supporters by their donations. But good enough to wear it and share it with others. 


So, this is my goal, to raise the necessary funding to advertise and promote my artwork and clothing line. Through the support of the creative community and bring creativity and color. To people lives hoping that they will share that color with others.


Thank you for your time and attention.



W. Axxemanne

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